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In Finland the biofuel production wastes are used for the cosmetics manufacturing


Finnish specialists learn how to produce cosmetics and biological active additives from food and biofuel industry wastes.

It has been several years already since APROPOS, a special project started its work in Finland. It received its financial support from the Euro Union budget. The project’s main aim is to search for new opportunities to apply food and biofuel production wastes as raw materials for cosmetics and biological active additives production.

One of the project’s priorities is to improve the rapeseed press cakes treatment technology. This protein-rich product used to be as a food additive in animal feeding. Using the modern technologies Finnish specialists managed to develop a special method of extracting half of the protein amount which would be used further as a component either for cream or various band-aids and medical dressings manufacturing.

Some fractions of the press cakes processing were tested in The Polytechnic University of Catalonia. The researchers found out that these raw materials had anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial features and caused no harm for human’s body. Besides the representatives from the University developed the ultra-sound-based technology that would help to take off the brownish-yellow color from the press cakes extracted protein.

'We achieved fantastic results despite using simple methods and did not want to make the technological process more difficult. The basic idea of this project is to create a certain waste free production chain. We did not set the task to achieve an extremely clean final product in order to reach the true practical effect instead of theoretical one. Several companies use our developments in commercial size for instance', informed the APROPOS project coordinator Raija Lantto.

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