Biomass Energy Potential in Czech Republic

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note_add 07/22/2008
update 07/22/2008
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Offer Description - Biomass Energy Potential in Czech Republic

The potential and costs of different sources of renewable energy sources utilisation were examined under the project „Prognosis of renewable energy source utilisation in the Czech Republic until 2050“, elaborated for the Ministry of the Environment in 2004. The study concluded that the national targets of a minimum 8% share of renewables in gross electric power consumption by 2010 and at least a 15.5% share of renewable sources in TPES to be achieved by 2030 – as prescribed by the State Energy Concept till 2030 – are technically feasible. However, their attainment may be limited by the economic costs of generating energy from renewable sources, so the achievements of the targets require strong stimulation mechanisms for potential investors.

Comparing the costs, it is cheaper to achieve environmental goals through the heat production from RES in comparison to the electricity production. (However, exploitation of the large energy savings market potential would not bring any additional costs but additional revenues.)

The important result was, that the price of renewable sources utilised for heat generation appears to be much closer to market prices than in the case of electricity. The heat production from RES could be competitive already with relatively minor support in contrast to the support needed to realise generation of electric power from renewables.

In order to meet the national target of 8% of the E-RES in gross electric power consumption, it is necessary in 2010 to generate about 6 TWh/year from renewable energy sources. The calculations of the task force have revealed that to achieve the objective it will be necessary to use most of the technologies available at present. Potentials of water energy, generation of energy from landfill gas, biogas from waste water treatment plants and agricultural by-products will be gradually utilised, as will biomass potentials. The most expensive potential included to achieve the 8% target is a group of more expensive hydro power plants with the unit production costs of CZK 3.1//kWh.
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