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Offer Description - Biomass in energy policy of Slovak Republic
The goals for higher biomass utilization in SR appear from Directive 2001/77/ES and they are
embodied in several conceptual documents. One of this documents „The strategy for higher utilization
of RES in SR“defines the medium term goal (by the year 2010) on production of 1240 GWh of
electricity from RES. The strategy goal (by the year 2015) is the production 2300 GWh of electricity
from RES, so 7 % of total electricity consumption. The target for production the electricity from biomass
was stated on 410 GWh in 2010 and 650 GWh in 2015.
The biomass, as well as other RES utilization is not complexly solved, in the form of individual act in
Slovak legislation. Since 2004 there have been accepted several acts for the energy field – Act No.
656/2001 on energetics, Act No. 657/2004 on heat energetics, Act No. 276/2001 on regulation in power
industries and Government decree No. 124/2005. There laid hopes on this acts by the support of RES.
But the praxis showed that the expected growth of RES utilization wasn’t attained. Only last year
responsible ministries started to attend deeper to preparation of strategic and conceptual documents for
support of RES utilization. For their working out there is often lack of relevant bases, there doesn’t exist
systematic exploration and statistics, which could be reliable source for expert decision making.
In 2005 there was introduced by Decree of the Energy regulatory Office a feed-in-tariff system for
electricity from renewable energy for the year 2006. The minimum prices differ for individual energy
sources and year of installation. Tariffs for electricity produced from biomass are from 5,3 to 8 Euro
cent/kW (5,3 cents for co-combustion, 8 cents for biomass from energy plantations; average exchange
rate SKK/Euro – 37,5).
According to last information, from the Strategy for higher utilization of RES in Slovakia, financial
support for public for installation of biomass boilers and solar panels should be introduced from 2007.
The proposal for support is up to 25 % of investment costs for biomass boilers and 80 Euro for 1 m2 of
solar panels up to 8 m2. As for price of solar panels, the support would cover only VAT costs in the
present level of 19 %. But the financial sources planned for these proposals are were limited to this 100
mil. SKK yearly.