Energy potential of biomass is high and it can reach theoretical 15 % of annual energy consumption in
Slovak Republic, which is 800 PJ. Utilisable potential of solid biomass for heat and electricity in
Slovakia is about 73 - 75 PJ, from that dendromass is about 45-47 PJ. From that about 17 PJ presents
forest biomass, 18 PJ is biomass from wood-processing industry. About 47 % is covered by forestry
biomass and 40 % by wood-processing industry.
Table 21: Utilizable potential of biomass for combustion
Kind of biomass |
Amount in thousands tons |
Potential in PJ |
Forest biomass residues from forest management |
1810 |
17 |
Wood-processing industries - mechanical processing (bark, off-cuts, sawdust) |
950 |
12 |
Wood-processing industries - chemical processing |
460 |
6,5 |
Biomass from communal sphere (urban biomass, communal wood waste) |
300 |
3,2 |
Wood from selected energy forests and new short rotation plantation on cca 45 thous.ha |
660 |
6,3 |
Dendromass |
- |
45 |
Solid agricultural biomass (straw, grain, vineyards) for combustion |
2031 |
28,6 |
Total solid biomass |
2031 |
73,6 |
The energy potential of biomass produced in agriculture is 12, 89 TWh or 46, 5 PJ (including 11 PT
of biofuels for transport and 6, 9 PJ from biogas production). The utilizable biomass potential from
agricultural plants (straw from cereals and rape seed, sunflower blades, the wood waste from gardens
and vineyards) has a energy value 28, 6 PJ. The rest of vineyard sticks and rest from gardens are
utilizable raw material too. According to the present quantification of agricultural biomass, approx. 2 mil.
tons of a mass utilisable for energy purposes are disposable. The more detailed distribution is
presented in database table 36.
Biomass from agricultural occurs mainly in the southern parts of Slovakia, which are the most
productive in planting crops like rape seed, maize, and cereals. Permanent surplus straw are in the
south part of Central Slovakia, region of Upper Nitra, Spiš and in lowlands of the East Slovakia.