Biomass Utilization in Slovakia

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note_add 10/13/2008
update 10/13/2008
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Offer Description - Biomass Utilization in Slovakia

No detail statistics or assumption has been done in Slovakia regarding the heat or power production from different kinds of biomass. The power production from biomass is very negligible, but it going to grow as few biomasses CHP is under investment process. Considering initial costs there is assumption that current installation combusting biomass and fossil fuels together will be more utilized in the next years in heat and power plants. Power plant Nováky, in which test operation took place in, will contribute for power production to a great degree.

Lot of energy wood (fire wood, chips), mainly from east and south Slovakia is exported to large power plant in Kazincbarcike, in Hungary only 30 km from Slovak borders in prices 20 – 30 % higher than in Slovak market.

Even the state/public support for households has not been introduced in Slovakia yet (but it is planning from 2007, through Program for higher utilisation of biomass and solar energy in households, with the support of 25 % for boiler and total budget of 670 thousand Euro) the rising number of wood and pellet boilers installations is noticeable.
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