Energy plantations of forest tree species in Slovakia

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update 10/13/2008
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Offer Description - Energy plantations of forest tree species in Slovakia

Energy plantations are considered as a very perspective source of biomass in Slovakia. In our geographic conditions, the most suitable tree species for energy plantations are poplar, dendriform and shrubby willows, acacia, aspen and alder.

There was a survey done in 2000-2001 on localization of the areas suitable for energy crops planting. Suitable localities with total area of 8 400 ha were found in forest resources fund and grounds with total area of 37 000 ha in farmland resources fund (see the table bellow). It’s estimated that after 2010 there will be 45 400 ha total area of energy crops stands in Slovakia with 454 000 t production by 3-5 years rotation period with an energetic equivalent of about 4, 2 PJ.

It’s obvious from the preliminary economical analysis that, planting of energy crops stands can become effective if annual dendromass production is at least 10 t of dry mass per ha. Now we can obtain an sustained increment of more then 10 t of dry mass annually by very short regeneration period 3-5 years. There are already established experimental stands of improved poplar and acacia trees that confirm the real potential for energy crops future exploitation in Slovakia.

Tree species Forest - resources fund (ha) Farmland - resources fund (ha)
Poplar 100 10000
Willow 300 5000
Acacia 8000 10000
Aspen - 12000
Summary 8400 37000
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