Energy use in Czech Republic

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note_add 07/22/2008
update 07/22/2008
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Offer Description - Energy use in Czech Republic

With the population of 10.3 million and the area of 78 thousand square kilometers, the Czech Republic ranks to the EU-25 average. The country is situated in Central Europe, landlocked by neighboring countries of Poland (north), Germany (west), Austria (south), and Slovakia (east). It has a mild climate with 4 seasons, and a heating period usually lasting more then 200 days.

In administrative terms, the country consists of 14 NUTS 3 regions including the capital city of Prague. The agricultural area of the Czech Republic is 4.3 million hectares in total, of which 3.1 million hectares are arable land. About one half of the total agricultural area is located on less favorable land, and about one eighth is located in conservation areas (protecting water resources, landscapes and nature).

The forest areas cover an area of almost 2.7 mil. hectares where 52% of the total area belongs to the state, 5% are forests owned by the military, another 5% are divided between 4 national parks and the rest is privately owned. The country well describes the following table:

Table 8: Basic characteristics of Czech republic

Country Area:
78,800 km2 (7.8 million ha)
10.3 million
Regional administration:
14 NUTS 3 regions
Agricultural land:
4.3 million ha
of which arable:
3.1 million ha
2.7 million ha
Temperate, average temperature: all year average 9.7°C, in summer season (July) 20°C, in winter season (January) -2°C, during heating period 3.8 °C, average number of degree-days 3 920 °D (for ti = 20 °C, te = 3.8 °C, and 242 days of heating period)
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