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German ministers expressed support for equal development of wind energy


Six ministers of the federal states of Southern and Central Germany expressed support for the need to change the existing renewable energy act.

This initiative was supported by the climate and energy ministers of Hesse, Saarland, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Wuerttemberg, and Thuringia. However, one of the l
argest units in Germany- Bayern refused participation in this initiative.

The purpose of this statement was the need to improve the competitiveness of wind power plants in different regions of the country. Today the biggest problem with the wind capacity is uneven distribution of wind power in certain areas, which leads to lower productivity of wind turbines.

One of the first steps that should be done is the creation of a base for equal conditions of using of all wind power plants located in the coastal zone. The period of increasing of tariffs for wind turbines located in the most convenient locations should also be reduced in the nearest future.

Two zones of wind energy in Germany

The situation is complicated with the absence of any protective measures to maintain the competitiveness of wind power plants in the least favorable wind zones. It shows the need for a balanced package of measures for the expansion of wind power in every region of the country.

Climate and Energy Ministers have proposed the allocation of two zones of wind capacity and each of them will be guaranteed given 40% of new installations.

Germany- one of the leading countries of wind power industry. Germany has a large potential for the development of electric power industry, which is primarily due to the good climatic conditions. Until 2008, the total capacity of the total wind power plants the country ranks first in the world. According to 2014 about 8.6% of the total volume of electricity produced exactly in wind power.


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