Present Biomass Utilization in Hungary

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note_add 09/14/2008
update 09/14/2008
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Offer Description - Present Biomass Utilization in Hungary

Biomass can be combusted in large and small scale boilers. The smallest ones (fewer than 40 kW) applied at households for heat and/or hot water generation. These equipments are usually conventional ones their modernization and automatisation is important for environmental, comfort and efficiency reasons. These equipments produce 18-19 PJ/year and could be increased to 22 PJ/ year.

Middle scale boilers (40 kW-1.5 MW) are available for municipalities, small and medium sized enterprises for heat, hot water and technological heat demand. The combined heat and power technology is not available yet in this segment but it can be feasible both economically and technologically.

Large scale equipments over 1.5 MW are designed for electricity and combined heat and power generation. 80% of electricity produced by renewable energy sources is biomass based. A most meaningful development has begun in electric power production on wood base. Between 2003 and 2005, tree of the former coal-based power plants had been changed over wood-chips.
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