Renewable Energy Potential in Bulgaria

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note_add 07/16/2008
update 07/16/2008
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Offer Description - Renewable Energy Potential in Bulgaria

There were several studies on the potential for renewables in Bulgaria which show that the potential is considerable (see the table below). However, in the National Long-term Programme for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources (2005-2015), the evaluation of the accessible potential for energy generation from renewables is less optimistic. The authors of this programme consider that the total accessible potential for energy generation from all renewables in the country is about 6 Mtoe which according to them in 2015 will be only 38% of the total final consumption, if all the accessible potential is used. This will come mainly from hydro energy and biomass.

Table 3: Potential of renewable energy in Bulgaria

Source Indicator Solar [Mtoe] Wind [Mtoe] Biomass [Mtoe] Hydro below 10 MW [Mtoe] Large hydro [Mtoe] Geother mal [Mtoe] Total [Mtoe]
ESD and Ecotherm - Engineering Ltd. 1997 Total resource available 13 000 75 1159 371 336 14 941  
Theoretical potential 0.013 75 (?) 3.6 0.122 2.002 0.326 81  
Simeonova et al. 1996 Total 14 703 10 5-5.3 1.8 N/A - 25 458
Accessible 8 169 5 357 - - N/A - 13 526  
Reserve 18.4 1.8-2 0.4 1 N/A 0.003 22  
National long term program on promotion of RES 2005-2015 Accessible potential 0.390 0.283 2.70 2.282 0.350 6.005  
In the same National programme on the promotion of RES, the following estimations for the electricity generation from RES (RES-e) are provided:

Table 4: Forecast for RES-e in 2010 and 2015

Generation of electricity from RES: until 2010 until 2015  
GWh Ktoe GWh ktoe  
Biomass (incl. biogas) 418 36.0 849 73.0  
Hydro power (incl. large) 2 976 256.0 2 988 257.0  
Wind energy 8 0.7 256 22  
Photovoltaics 7 0.6 43 3.7  
Geothermal Energy 15 1.3 30 2.6  
TOTAL: 3 426 294.6 4 166 358.3  
Increase compared to 2002 56% or 6% annually 90% or 6% annually  
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