Utilization of RES for heat and electricity in Slovakia

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note_add 10/13/2008
update 10/13/2008
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Offer Description - Utilization of RES for heat and electricity in Slovakia

The only one data available in Slovakia result from available statistic, which is incomplete (mainly in production of heat) and sometimes very different, as follows. Present utilization of RES for heat and electricity production isn’t still measuring up the level of EU 15 countries. RES utilization presents only 2, 6 % of primary energy sources. It is utilized about 27 % of technical potential of RES in the Slovakia. Except for big hydropower plants the potential is utilized only on 17 %.

Table: Electricity production from RES in 2002-2004 (GWh) and targets for 2010 and 2015

Source 2002 2003 2004 2010 2015
  [GWh] [GWh] [GWh] [GWh] [GWh]
Hydropower plants - total 5169 3671 4207    
From that small hydro 245 192 107 350 400
Windpower plants 0 2 6 300 900
Biomass (with solid municipal waste) 153 84 33 410 650
Biogas 6 2 2 180 300
Geothermal energy - - - - 40
Solar energy - - - - 10
Total 5428 3567 4141 1 240* 2 300*
The share in total electricity consumption 0,186 0,124 0,144 4 %* 7 %*

In the heat production from RES there is possible to view important growth of biomass utilization for this purpose. It is caused mainly by rise in the gas price.
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