Wood chips, pellets and briquettes utilization in Slovakia

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Offer Description - Wood chips, pellets and briquettes utilization in Slovakia

As regard to biomass fuels as wood chips, pellets and briquettes, the present total wood chips production for 2006 in Slovakia should reach about 190 thousands tons. Wood chips, due to their bulkiness are not intended for individual heating of household, but mainly for bigger plants. Production of pellet and briquettes is also increasing, relatively great number of companies showed and show their interest in the industry of pellet or briquettes production, but after searching on all conditions of investment, costs, operation and market in present, its attitude might change.

According the Ministry of Economy SR there are currently 6 producers of pellets and 16 producers of briquettes in Slovakia. According survey of BIOMASA presented in the table in the database document there are also other producers which are or were active in this industry but the production of pellets or briquettes is only marginal interest among their other activities. The main and biggest pellets producers are BIOMASA, Association with production capacity 12 000 tons and AVS Group with several plants, the biggest producers among briquettes are producers in Orava region – in Zakamenne and Oravsky Podzamok.

The estimated production in Slovakia in 2005 was about 20 thousands tons of pellets and about 40 ths. tons of briquettes. Most of pellets and briquettes produced in Slovakia are exported, many of producers export all of their production. Only about 6, 000 tons of pellets ended on Slovak market, 55 most of them are pellets produced by BIOMASA and burned in own boiler rooms operated by BIOMASA.

Amount of produced solid biofuels and their final price depends on technologies reliability, quality and amount of processed raw material. The potential might be much higher but due to various reasons as lack of raw material during winter and operational problems of many producers the production can not be higher yet. High prices of feed material and its shortage are going to be a big problem. Firstly price increase was caused by development of chipboard production and than also by development of this kind of industry itself and shortage of raw material. Also planned combined combustion of biomass and coal in power generation like in Czech Republic might cause to another shortage of raw material and increase of prices.

The costs of biomass wood processing residues are and will be very dependent on the development of use of waste wood for agglomerated wood products (e.g. chipboards) as well as for fuels as pellets or briquettes. The price of quality wood waste for production of pellet and briquettes is reaching the level of price at which the wood waste is traded for e.g. chipboard manufacturing. On the other hand, any price decrease may be expected only if the demand for wood waste drops due to changes in wood processing market. Increasing demand on wood waste logically causes an increasing of its price, therefore the orientation for new raw material sources it necessary for the future. Fast growing woody plants are demanding on initial costs connected with plantation setting and with special technology purchase.
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