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The increased use of renewable energy sources is a key issue for many countries. For example, the European Union has set a target to double the share of renewable energy in the European primary Energy supply from a level of 6 % in 1997 to 12 % by 2010. Biomass is one of the most important sources of renewable energy and its contribution to this end may be significant. The use of biomass reduces the dependency on fossil fuels and contributes to the security of the fuel supply by using indigenous fuel. It also provides savings from decreasing or eliminating landfill costs and possible tax credits.
One of the most important sources of biomass except of forestry and energy crops is the waste wood from wood manufacturing industries. Unlike most other industries, the wood industries are able to use their waste to help meet their energy needs. In wood processing the greater part-if not all- of the thermal energy (and electricity) can be met from the available residues. For example the saw milling industry has the potential to produce a surplus of heat and electricity to support other deficient processes in an integrated complex producing, for example, plywood and particleboard or in the rural areas, to supply energy for the needs of surrounding community. The burning of wood residue in boilers is mostly confined to those industries where it is available as a byproduct. It is burned both to obtain heat energy and to alleviate possible solid residue disposal problems. In boilers, wood residue is normally burned in the form of hogged wood, bark, sawdust, shavings, chips, mill rejects, sanderdust, or wood trim. Heating values for this residue range from about 4,500 thermal units/pound (Btu/lb) of fuel on a wet, as-fired basis, to about 8,000 Btu/lb for dry wood. Generally, bark is the major type of residue burned in pulp mills; either a mixture of wood and bark residue or wood residue alone is burned most frequently in the lumber, and plywood industries.
PRODUCT: Wood Chips of eucalíptus for cellulose (completely without impurities, glue or metal).
SPECIES: Saligna or similar (has no difference in chemical composition, only the saligna and citriodora that are harder)
SPECIFICATION: Although the draft contract exists a specification, then the specification will be the buyer, always differ from one customer to another.
PACKAGING: Container of 20 'to 20 tonnes of Bulk LINER
UMIDADE: 40% to 45%
QUANTITY: 10.000/GMT/MÊS TON of the same. In 02 (two) first shipment of the third on 20.000/GMT/MÊS.
FOB Price USD 110~120
Port FOB Paranagua Brazil