Wood - processing biomass in Slovakia

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Offer Description - Wood - processing biomass in Slovakia

Table 24: Wood from forestry processed in the branches of wood processing industry (in thous m3)

Branch Real in year Vista of year 2006
  1990 2003 2004 2005  
Wood-processing industry 2300 3737 4026 4100 4100
Paper and pulp industry 1880 1753 1937 2100 2100
Wood-processing industry - total 4180 5490 5936 6200 6200

Using the latest data from 2005, about 4100 thous. m3 of roundwood was processed by this industry in 2005 in Slovakia. From that amount about 2,6 mil.m3 is raw material for saw milling and 1,5 mil.m3 are small diameter logs. Even the annual felling in the Slovak forests is higher (6,6 mil.m3 in 2004, 7,3 mil. m3 in 2004 and 10,2 mil. m3 in 2005 - in 2005 influenced also by calamity in the High Tatras) amount of processed wood is relatively stable. Average yield of the ordinary saw milling unit is 65 %, and it creates 35 % of the wood waste in the shape of cut-off (20 %) and sawdust (15 %). A lot of roundwood is exported directly from forests without any processing in Slovakia and this volume increased mainly in 2005 with the export of the wood of lower quality from windthrow disaster in High Tatras.
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